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Thinking Big to Build a Better World: Abandoning Insignificant Problems and Focusing on What Truly Matters

Thinking Big to Build a Better World: Abandoning Insignificant Problems and Focusing on What Truly Matters

The real problem of modern society is that “the problems” are too small – and therefore we think small. We often worry about trivial matters, focusing on insignificant “problems” that do not contribute to building a better world for everyone. It’s time to ask ourselves more meaningful questions and challenge our approach to life.

When we focus on superficial issues like what others will think of us or what to wear for dinner, we demonstrate that we think small, limiting our potential for growth and positive impact on society. This narrow mindset makes us part of a impoverished society that doesn’t deserve a promising future.

However, there is another path we can choose to take. We can raise our gaze and focus on real problems, on the ones that truly matter, the ones that reflect the world we want to build. A more ethical world, without suffering, where every individual can fully express themselves and their potential.

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Here are the Problems we Should Focus on if we Want to be Worthy of a Better World:

Protection of abandoned animals: Abandoned animals are a sad reality, and we should ask ourselves how we can contribute to alleviating their existence and promoting responsible and conscious behavior.

Environmental education: Unfortunately, in 2023, many people still lack proper respect for the environment. Let’s ask ourselves how we can contribute to their education and how we can spread environmental awareness through daily actions, sharing information, and encouraging sustainable choices.

Discrimination against women: Discrimination against women, especially regarding access to education, is a significant problem in many countries worldwide. Gender equality and female empowerment are crucial for building a fairer world. Let’s ask ourselves what we can do to fight discrimination and how we can support organizations that are passionate about this issue.

Combatting elderly isolation: Many elderly people live in loneliness, and many of them are also ill. Let’s ask ourselves how we can help at least a small group of them by dedicating some of our time and resources to make them feel loved and accompanied.

By changing our perception, abandoning insignificant problems, and embracing the ones that truly matter, we can transform our impact on society and the world. Choosing problems that align with the world we want to build means investing our time, energy, and resources into something meaningful, generating a positive ripple effect.

Now, let’s ask ourselves together: Which problems have we chosen to address? In which direction do we want to direct our attention and commitment? It’s time to think big and actively contribute to building a better world for everyone!



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From The Heart Of Italy My Gift For You (Free Download)

Experience the magic of Tuscany in your everyday life with my FREE PDF guide:

Tuscany Slow Living Inspiration: Heal Your Life and Embrace Quietness

This printable digital book is designed to help people organize their daily lives while embracing the slow living philosophy.

It includes prompts for journaling, Tuscan quotes, mindfulness exercises, and informational sections about Tuscan culture, cuisine, and traditions

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